fredag 29 januari 2010

Google earth, localization and decimal point

I ran into a bug with google earth, which refused to show my kml files properly.
My curves had been straightened out and data were missing.
This is because the decimal point notation is not respected when parsing kml files - my Swedish localization thinks decimal points are a comma (,) and not point (.).

This is a workaround:
start google earth with LANG set to something else.
$LANG= googleearth

For me, this bug appears on google earth 5.1.3506.3999 (beta) but not 5.0.11377.1968 (beta). Now these two run on different systems, but anyway....

Sorry for not having time to dig the bug archives etc. Post links if you know any relevant links for this bug.

I have not seen anything about decimal points in the kml specification. If you see it somewhere, please post a link.

And while I am at it: Thanks google (and/or Keyhole?), for distributing this fantastic piece of software.

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